Monday, September 23, 2013

Growing in Unity Winners!!!

I would like to thank you all for being so supportive and for all of the kind comments during my week as your GIU gal.  It was a truly great experience and I look forward to signing up again in 2014!
Now for winners!  I used to pick the winners from all of the comments from my GIU posts from Monday-Friday.  The winner of 2 Itty Bittys of choice from Unity Stamp Co was cinmfoster's comment from Day 4.  Please contact with your choices and let her know you were my GIU winner.
The winner of my giveaway was sam's comment from Day 3.  Please contact me with your address and I will get that in the mail to you ASAP!  My email is crystal _ hubbs at hotmail dot com

Congrats to the winners and a huge thanks to everyone who visited my blog!
Have an amazing week!

1 comment:

I truly appreciate you stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment, your kind words make my day!