Friday, October 19, 2012


TGIF, FWF and Happy Birthday to me!!!  Seriously, what a crazy week.  But it's finally Friday and I've got some blog candy to give away!!!  Details at the end of this post.

Here are my final 3 cards for Unity's WCMD challenges.  Our basement flooded this week and my scrap space is at ground zero.  Thankfully all of my stuff was either in plastic bins or off of the floor but it was still too chaotic to get anything much done.  These were all quickly thrown together for the challenges.  :(  Hopefully we finally have the leaking foundation problem taken care of and can get everything cleaned and organized again soon before I go into craft withdrawl (this is a serious condition that requires much craft time and chocolate to cure).

The first card is for a very good friend who is getting married this weekend!  Can't wait to get out of town and head home to see friends and family!  It was for Challenge #2: Textures.  I think the ribbon and the metal charm count as 2 different textures.  I used The Love is ALL That Matters stamp from Unity's May 2012 Kit of the Month.  The photo doesn't really do the card justice, it's all shimmery with silver embossing.  The sentiment is popped up as well.  The ribbon charm is something I found in my stash from Making Memories from LONG ago.
 The next card is for Challenge #8: Color Challenge (pumpkin, olive, cream and brown).  The patterned paper is from My Mind's Eye, the ribbon is from Webster's Pages.  The Grateful stamp is from Unity's A Moment in Time.  Letter stickers are Cosmo Cricket Tiny Type.
 The last card is for Unity's Challenge #5: Fall Theme.  I sprayed yellow, orange and red glimmer mist onto a white panel and then stamped happy fall, masked it and stamped the leaves across the panel to look like they're blowing across the page.  The stamps are both from Unity's August 2012 Kit of the Month.  I colored in the circles on the leaves with a white gel pen.  This was thrown together super quickly in the midst of a messy, soggy, smelly basement and I was quite pleased with the way it turned out. 
I hope you've stuck with me through this long post because I've got some Unity Stamps to give away!  For a chance to win please become a follower of my blog (if you're not already) and leave a comment on any of my posts from the past week and a half (starting with So Many Thanks on Oct 8th).  The more posts you comment on the better your chances to win!  I have 2 grab bags (25 stamps each) of random Unity Stamps to give away so there will be TWO lucky winners!  I will announce the winners in next Friday's Friends with Flair post.  Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Crystal, I am so sorry to hear about the flooding. Happy to hear you crafty stuff was ok. Your projects are darling and so creative. Love them all and really adore the colorful fall card! Happy FWF Friday!

  2. Your cards are wonderful. Hope you get the flooding problem worked out. WE need our craft space. TFS

  3. Gorgeous cards.... Happy Birthday to you sweetie!!

  4. Great cards. Sorry you are having problems with flooding.

  5. happy birthday to you! and i can relate to the crafting withdrawal, i hope you get it fixed soon! i moved this year and my craft room was packed up for a few months! now, i work for first time in 7 yrs, i hope i can find time to get crafty, im soooo tired now! anyways....your cards are beautiful, i really like the last one with all the colors and the leaves, gorgeous!!! have a great weekend!

  6. Great cards! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
    And I'm follower #50 :)

  7. sorry about the flood. that stinks.

    the card are great!

    and happy birthday!!

  8. Sorry about the flood. I hope you enjoyed your birthday! I am your newest follower. Love your cards.

  9. Hi Crystal,
    I hope that you have a fabulous birthday!!! Sorry to hear about your flooding. Hope things settle down for you real soon. Your cards are fabulous!

  10. Amazing creations! I love the background on your fall card--so colorful! Good luck with your basement cleanup.

  11. Floods are never fun. :( Hope you have a great birthday. I love the colors you used on these creations! Awesome!

  12. Very elegant cards! The fall card is my favorite - those flowing colors are amazing!

  13. Hope you had a great birthday and I hope that you resolve the basement issue soon! Despite the mess in your basement, your cards turned out beautifully!!!! Love the leaf card!!!

  14. Happy birthday, boo on the flooding, and congrats on finishing all the WCMD challenges! I think my favourite of these three is your fall glimmer-misted card, but all are terrific, especially given the circumstances!

  15. Your cards are all great! I am impressed that you got all these made with your space flooded, and I hope that everything gets cleaned up fast.

  16. Gorgeous cards! I am so sorry to hear what happened to your scrap space. I hope you are able to get everything cleaned up quickly so you can get back to creating! Happy belated birthday to you!

  17. Awesome cards! You are one tough lady to be able to craft after such flooding-and create all this loveliness. Fantastic attitude too! You're an encouragement~


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