Friday, March 16, 2012

Snapshots of a Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup kind of day.

This past Saturday my daughter and I walked to the park to play early in the morning when it was still only 20 some degrees with cold winds blowing.  Needless to say we were quite chilled for some time and even hot chocolate and cuddling watching The Little Mermaid didn't do the trick to warm us up.  Yep, it's a Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup kind of day!

I love when I come across great boy papers and this one is from Echo Park's This and That Charming collection.  Great colors and designs in that pack!  I am not much of a 2 page layout kind of girl but sometimes you just need a lot of pics to tell the story and thankfully this one came together quickly (2 page LO's have been known to clutter up my craft desk for weeks at a time)!
Echo Park patterned papers, journaling block and blue alpha stickers.  Sassafras Lass chipboard alphas.  Basic Grey orange letter stickers.  Cosmo Cricket cream alpha stickers.  Stamps are all Unity Stamp Co.  Camera & snapshot from Snapshot Itty Bitty.  A Moment in Time from Unity/Ippity's set of the same name.  Soup bowls from the retired August 2008 Kit of the Month.  Soup pot from the July 2011 KOM.  Noteworthy (hidden on the top of the journaling block) is from Sweet and Sour Soup.
I was SO excited to finally find a use for this soup bowl stamp!!!  I LOVE inking up never before inked up stamps and finding the perfect home on a project for them!  Head on over to Unity's blog to play along with Friends with Flair and comment for a chance to win some wonderful stamps from Unity!


  1. Wonderful layout, and now I am starving!

  2. Very nice layout. Love the photos of the darling baby.

  3. Hi Crystal! Love your beautiful layout! Darling photos and gorgeous details. Great job!!

  4. This is SUCH an adorable layout!

  5. Seriously adorable! What a great layout for those stamps!!

  6. This is a fab LO and your kids are seriously adorable!

  7. So cute! I LOVE that background paper!


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