Saturday, January 7, 2012

All Bundled Up

One of my new years resolutions is to scrapbook more.  I have a goal of one page a week or 4 a month.  That's not a lot by any means so I am hoping that I can keep up with it.  Today I was able to find a few hours in the afternoon to get a layout done from last January when we took our daughter sledding for the first time.
 I usually don't like my 2 page layouts but I think this one turned out okay.  It was a pretty quick LO to put together aside from the time it took to stamp the snowflake background stamp on the Kraft paper.  I must've stamped it 30 times! After I took these pics I did notice a typo that I need to go back and fix in the journaling.  It says January 2010 but it was really January 2011, just a small typo but kind of a big difference!

 These little brrr acrylic pieces have been hanging out in my stash since I first started buying scrapbook stuff and I had no clue how I was ever going to use them but they came in handy here and I am happy to have one less thing in my stash of unused product.
 Scrapping these pics really made me wish for some snow to take both kids sledding this year.  It's January in Michigan and sadly we're having a heat wave with no snow in the 10 day forecast.  Fingers crossed that I'll be able to take the kids sledding at least once this year!

Cosmo Cricket Jolly By Golly papers, ribbon and chipboard.
Unity Stamp Co snowflake background stamp from Nov 2011 Kit of the Month
Snowflakes: K & Company
Brrr blocks: Unknown
Inks:  Versamark; Worn Lipstick by Ranger
Sled Rub-on: Basic Grey
Other: buttons, twine, brads


  1. So beautiful! You're so talented. I wish I had the time and patience to scrapbook. I stress myself out about my pages and it takes me way too long! Keep it up, cousin!

  2. I love seeing layouts in the blog hop! Great job on this one!


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