Thursday, July 7, 2011

Camping Anyone?

At the beginning of June my husband and I decided to take a spur of the moment camping trip (tent camping with a not quite 2 year old and a 2 month old)!!!  All of my friends said we were brave but the truth is we're just crazy!  It turned out to be a FANTASTIC weekend though!  Both kids were 100% amazing and did great!

I have so many photos from the weekend that I still need to scrap but here is one of the only pics of the 4 of us the entire weekend.  The papers are Bobunny, the journaling block is Cosmo Cricket, the stickers are Bobunny (campfire), Adornit (love) and Sandylion (camping anyone).  The brads are Bobunny.  Happy campers is a rub-on from Cosmo Cricket.

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