Monday, May 23, 2011

Sent with Care

Last June a coworker told me about a great organization called Operation Write Home.  I checked out their website and absolutely LOVED what they did!  They send cards out to our active military troops so that the troops can send cards home to their families.  I just loved the idea of my creations being sent from our deployed military heroes home to their loved ones with cherished messages inside for sons/daughters/wives/husbands/mothers/fathers/etc.  I immediately started making cards for them and by November had sent them around 140 cards!  Unfortunately I had to take a creative break during my pregnancy when my doctor put me on bed rest but now that my son is here and is taking some regular naps I can get crafting again in my spare time and after catching up on some personal projects I am ready to start making cards for this amazing organization again!  This card was made for a sketch challenge on OWH's Stars and Stamps blog. 

The stamps are from Unity's May KOM and colored in with Copics.  The scalloped circle was cut with the Sweet Treats cart by Cricut.  If you have never heard of Operation Write Home I strongly encourage you to check them out!  Most of us crafters make more cards than we could ever send out to all of our friends and this is a great place to send your extra cards (NO GLITTER THOUGH)!  Thanks for stopping by my blog, have a wonderful week!


  1. Super cute card, Crystal! And thanks for spreading the word about OWH's mission! Thanks for joining us in this week's OWH Stars & Stamps Sketch Challenge!

  2. Great job with the sketch and I love the stamps you used! I'm a huge Unity fan!!

  3. Hi Crystal, your card is so pretty! Love the bright cheery yellow after all this rain we've had. Great job!!


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