Saturday, May 14, 2011

Rockin' Birthday

So my super amazing husband bought me a Cricut for my birthday this past October (yeah, I know, probably the BEST birthday present EVER)!!!  I haven't used it a whole awful lot though because I was pregnant at the time and had insane back pain during pregnancy that prevented me from sitting at my craft table.  Now my boy is nearly 2 months old and my back pain is a thing of the past and I am able to craft again (HOORAY)!!!  I've recently made a resolution to incorporate my Cricut into more projects to get myself more comfortable with it.  So when I needed to make a birthday card for my husbands cousin who is having a party celebrating her 40th birthday later today I immediately thought of my rarely used Rock Princess cartridge because she is a huge rock music fan!  Here is what I came up with, thanks for looking!

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