Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's my blogs 1 month birthday!

I never thought I would have a blog and sometimes I wonder why I do.  I think I may be the only person who reads it but it feels good to me to be able to look back on my projects and know that I've created something that will bring a smile to someones face (and hopefully not get thrown in the trash immediately).  Today is 1 month since I've started my blog and I am somewhat amazed at the # of posts I have.  Fifteen (15!) in a month and that's not counting the baby announcements I did for my son or the 2nd birthday invites I did for my daughter.  I know 15 cards in a month isn't a lot (heck, I did over 100 for Operation Write Home in a 3 month period last year before getting preggers!) but it seems like a lot when you're catching a crafting moment here and a crafting moment there when you finally have both kids sleeping.  Anyhow, enough rambling about a blog that no one reads, it's time to get crafting...

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